Crimson staff writer
Meg P. Bernhard
Meg is the managing editor for the 143rd guard.
Crimson staff writer Meg P. Bernhard can be reached at meg.bernhard@thecrimson.com. Follow her on X @meg_bernhard.
Latest Content
Hopi E. Hoekstra
Hopi E. Hoekstra will be Harvard's next dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences starting Aug. 1.
Night Walk
Every night as I walk my quiet mile, I grasp at memories. The sound of her voice. The way her eyes squinted when she was smiling too hard. The words she liked to write. I fear I am forgetting details.
Police Recovered a Person from Charles River
Local police recovered a person from the Charles River Friday night.
Harvard’s Outside Research Funding Continues To Fall
Harvard received just under $800 million in outside research funding in fiscal year 2015, continuing a years-long decline, according to a recent University report.
Cultural Student Groups Plan Coalition for ‘Collective Action’
As college students across the country stage protests in response to race-related incidents on their campuses, some cultural student groups at Harvard are planning to form a coalition “to present demands to the administration.”
House Masters ‘Unanimously’ Agree To Change Title
Administrators and House masters acknowledged Tuesday that the move to abandon the term was in part prompted by recent protests against racism on campuses across the country.
Faculty Praise Proposal To Overhaul Gen Ed Program
Faculty members overwhelmingly praised a proposal for a renewed General Education program—a drastic overhaul of the program’s current structure—at the semester’s final meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on Tuesday.
Report Outlines ‘Major Proposals’ for Gen Ed Overhaul
Harvard undergraduates would be required to fulfill distribution requirements, complete a quantitative-based course, and take fewer general education courses in new, consolidated categories as part of a drastically altered General Education program, should members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences vote to approve a new proposal in the coming months.
Students Rally in Support of Black Activists at Peer Schools
Dozens of students and Harvard affiliates gathered in the Science Center Plaza on Wednesday afternoon to rally in support of black student activists on other college campuses, where mass protests against racism have erupted in recent weeks.
With Bomb Threat, Echoes of Paris and Eldo Kim
The eerie familiarity of the threat, together with the recency of fatal bombings in Paris and Beirut, imbued the series of evacuations and investigations on Monday with particular weight.
Faculty Hear Emerging Details on Renewed Gen Ed Program
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences together heard emerging details of what a renewed program in General Education could look like in the aftermath of the release of a report that deemed the College’s foundational curriculum “failing on a variety of fronts.”
Library System Has Reached One-Third of Fundraising Goal
Recent gifts include a $500,000 donation to support innovation in the libraries and another gift to support archiving endangered films.
Faculty Discuss Proposals To Overhaul Gen Ed
Faculty members and administrators have vetted proposals to drastically overhaul the College’s General Education program, such as lowering the number of required courses.