

Gabriela E. Weldon

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You, Me, Di-ver-si-ty

Before I came to Harvard, I thought I could be anyone I wanted. Doctor, astronaut, proud owner of a $2 million yacht, you name it.

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Much Ado about Nothing

I am proud to say the only substantial accomplishment I’ve achieved this break has been finishing the entire series of “Desperate Housewives."

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Goodbye Slump, Hello Mid-Life Crisis

I started defining my year by the sophomore slump the moment I realized living in the Quad meant I could no longer roll out of bed at the time class was supposed to start and still make it on Harvard time.

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Keep it Stupid, Stupid

“There’s no such thing as a stupid question” was the mantra we lived by—and as such, pretty much anything went. Stupidity was both accepted and encouraged.

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Rejection Happens

While being surrounded by so many passionate and over-qualified individuals is humbling and inspiring, it can also perpetuate serious feelings of inadequacy.
