John F.M. Kocsis
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Where’s the Outrage?
Lack of transparency should never be seen as a huge political advantage.
Spring Primal Scream or Nah
The end of the semester is rapidly approaching, and it’s time to answer the question weighing on everyone’s minds: “primal scream or nah.”
Planning Ahead: When to Get Snipped
It’s March Madness, and we all know what that means—illegal office pools, Duke losses, Harvard upsets, and, of course, the famed March Madness vasectomy. Wait, what?
Taco, the Christmas Dog
Thanksgiving break is such a tease. Family, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and the annual decorations of Christmas trees provide a taste of the stress-free holiday environment awaiting those who make it through finals period
Sam and Gus Get It Right
For the first time in my three years here, I have actually found one of the options for UC leadership to be genuinely “relatable”—despite the myriad individuals and tickets who make that claim each year.
2016 Here We Come
What does this mean? While Cuccinelli lost, the result should not be construed as a Virginia referendum of Rand Paul’s presidential aspirations. If anything, Paul probably was successful in imploring some Sarvis voters that Cooch “would arguably be the most libertarian governor in the United States.”
The Confessions of a Guilty Catholic
In 2013, it’s certainly not easy to be a Catholic. Perhaps it has always been this way; after all, the great apostle Peter could not even muster up the courage to say he knew Jesus. And it would be foolish to believe that religion is supposed to be easy; if that were the case, everyone would do it—in the form of Pascal’s Wager at the very least. Yet, it probably isn’t supposed to be this difficult either.
Bush-Cheney '04
In order to call attention to the fact that the election of progressive hero Barack Obama has yielded two more terms for the iniquities of his Republican predecessors, I decided to affix a Bush-Cheney ’04 campaign sticker to the front of my laptop.
Obama Goes Full Nixon
While those inside the White House wants to deify Obama as its “North Star,” the potentiality of corruption in his administration must not be overlooked. President Obama must proceed carefully if he doesn’t want to end up with an eerily Nixonian legacy of disgrace.
Who’s Running the Country?
Obama needs to assess the situation and put forth the best nominees he can come up with. And he has to do it with some celerity, at least nodding at the fable that these appointments have real, meaningful work to do.
What’s Going On
The president was rightly praised for his call for resilience—few have any doubt Boston can and will “run again.”
Government, Get Out of Marriage
As such, freedom fighters and gay rights advocates alike should address the real issue—the government needs to stop meddling in the contractual institution of marriage.
On Liberty
Senator Paul’s effort made an impact on the Republican Party and on the direction in which its political positions are heading.