

Alyssa Yamamoto

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What the World Bank Needs

We applaud President Obama’s nomination and the bank board’s appointment of Dr. Kim as representing an important shift away from the neoliberal orthodoxy of the Washington Consensus.

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Call to Action

For now more than ever the end of AIDS has become a legitimate scientific possibility—we just need the political and corporate support to make this vision a reality.

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Say Yes to (AIDS) Drugs: Prioritizing Lives Over Profit

We must be willing and able to provide innovative mechanisms like the Medicines Patent Pool that persuade corporate actors to become actual do-gooders in society, however slowly


Mr. Cantor: Restore funding for global health – lives hang in the balance

If the effects of having to halt and reverse the scale-up of successful American programs are taken into account, the human costs reach even more staggering proportions, with more than 1 million preventable deaths possible as a result.
