

Jun Li

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FlyBy Image The Next Big Thing?

Harvard students are some of the most technologically savvy people in the world. We’ve got our iPhones, Blackberries, and Twitters

Saturday night paper writing on the Fly

If you’ve ever wondered whether that guy in the Delphic could give you anything other than an STD, think again:

Chickwich Challenge!

It was a struggle for everlasting glory and honor, a fight to the death. The task was simple: Eat twelve

Where's the Money?

The office on Arrow Street looks more like a trendy loft apartment than the headquarters of what is rapidly becoming

Training Wheels: My Anti-Drug

Bullying: it’s a way of life. Unfortunately, getting teased is one too. I moved to a new school district in

Love It: Dating

You’re just too busy—we get it. And yes, Harvard students are sadomasochists in a completely nonsexual way (“Wow, you’re taking

Unnamed photo

Garrett D. Morgan

Garrett D. Morgan ’08 was quite a precocious toddler. According to his mother, he became a bibliophile at the age

Checking Out of the Library

The old adage “If you build it, they will come” worked pretty well for Kevin Costner. Cut down some corn,

Leon Takes S. Africa to Task

South African opposition leader Tony Leon questioned several of his government’s recent decisions and called the country’s foreign policy “schizophrenic”

Wet Hot American Passover

Pizza and a movie might sound like the makings of a low-key weekend night. But when the pizza is made

‘Blades’ Star Poehler Reveals Comedian Trash-Talking

Figure skating is already a strenuous and exciting activity, but it gets even more exciting when you can tear up

Study: Pregnancy Weight Gain Blamed for Childhood Obesity

Harvard researchers have found another explanation for the national child obesity epidemic: mothers’ weight gain during pregnancy. The seven-year study,

15 Questions with Damian Woetzel

Harvard students love to out-brag one another about their hectic schedules. But FM found someone whose schedule may just trump

Harvard Students: Nutrition Is...Dumb

Known over the world for their insight and intelligence, Harvard students got the chance to wow one another when HUDS

A Humanitarian Approach to Dining

Last semester, Graduate School of Education student AnnaLise S. Hoopes ruffled feathers with her “Cage-Free Eggs” campaign, fighting for the
