

Kyle A. De beausset

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Legitimizing Hate

Does giving a platform to Krikorian, with his nasty views and even nastier connections, further that mission? Perhaps next time the conference should choose a different “expert” to address this complex and important topic.

The Right to Exist

Harvard University, one of the world’s most prestigious educational institutions, is refusing to take an active stance on one of

The American Mirage

Harvard students are infatuated with the idea of who deserves to be here. Whether it’s legacies—admitted for the loyalty and

Between Books and Necessities

Students on financial aid at Harvard are expected to spend less than $2,750 a year on living expenses—and it costs

Get Your Act Together

It took 11 men and mostly male audience of the Undergraduate Council (UC) debate for people to finally take issue.

Adopt a Conscience

Madonna’s recent troubles began when she filed papers to adopt a Malawian boy, David Banda, as her son. She was

A Compromising Position

Deval Patrick’s recent success epitomizes a path that Harvard seniors choose as they struggle between helping themselves and helping society.

Aquaculture in Guatemala
Summer Postcards 2006

Making an Honest Living

LOS PUMPOS, Guatemala—As a 20-year-old college student who has spent his entire waking life carrying out the abstract task of

Aquaculture in Guatemala

Aquaculture in Guatemala

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Gentrification Sanctuary

New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, and recently Cambridge, are among the many cities in the U.S. that have affirmed

Walk Out as Global Citizens

Today is the first of May, a day that could signify the inauguration of global citizenship. For many in the

Let’s Talk About Race

Growing up, my friends were never divided along color lines. I attended an international school in Guatemala all of my

FOCUS: Alleviating Poverty

With various student groups trumpeting the alleviation of poverty as their goal, discussions about poverty have shown up on the

The White Man’s Burden

French, Russian, Midwestern, and Nebraskan ancestry make me among the whitest of white men. Despite a whole life of effort

SAA Pushes South Asian Studies Changes

Members of the Harvard South Asian Association (SAA) met Sunday night in Ticknor Lounge to discuss revamping Harvard’s approach to
