

Brian Feinstein

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King of Hearts

It’s just you and the chip leader, a big guy with dark curly hair and a five o’clock shadow. You’re

The Cult of Yale

For God, for Country and for Bragging Rights When the elevator in William James Hall shuts, those on the inside

The Cult of Yale, Part II

Party at Woodbridge Hall The Leverett 80’s dance is a highlight of the Harvard social calendar for students wishing to

Fifteen Questions For Lauren Baptist

In dot-com terms, Lauren Baptist is a Google veteran. In 2000, Baptist left a Ph.D. program at MIT to join

Dunkin' Donates?

Slipping in under the midnight wire to the newly re-established Bow Street Dunkin’ Donuts, that glittering beacon of inexpensive (and

Gadgets—If You've Got The Ca$h

Sennheiser PXC250 Noise-Canceling Headphones ($129 at When your hobbit-obsessed roommate is watching Lord of the Rings for the 46th
