Student Jobs
Motivational slogans and inspirational quotes surround every corner of the classroom, often printed on bright pink paper like these.
Motivational slogans surround every corner of the classroom, often printed on bright pink paper like these that says, "Reserved: Math Scholar."
Teach for America corps member Pia Dandiya ‘09 teaches math classes at Garfield Middle School in Revere, MA.
Ms. Dandiya unveils the "Oh Snap Wall," a new initiative to commend exceptional students during the second quarter.
Teach for America corps member Pia Dandiya ‘09 teaches math classes at Garfield Middle School in Revere, MA.
Teach for America corps member Pia Dandiya ‘09 teaches math classes at Garfield Middle School in Revere, MA.
Students Upbeat On E-Recruiting
Instead of scaring students away from careers in finance and consulting, last year’s job hunt woes have inspired a degree of creativity among applicants and strengthened their resolve to break into these industries.
Students Awarded Grants for Traveling
The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship named six seniors as 2010-11 travel fellows on Saturday.
Dorm Crew Imparts Practical Benefits
Jason E. Sandler ’12 is hunched over a toilet in Pennypacker, explaining the best way to reach every stretch of ...