Yale Quarterback Faces Conflict Between Harvard Game, Rhodes Interview
With the Harvard-Yale game just around the corner, many students and alumni have been planning their weekends for weeks. If you ask these people what it would take for them to miss the game, many of them may jokingly say they wouldn't miss it for the world. For the Bulldogs' senior quarterback Patrick Witt, though, this has just become a very real question.
Two Harvard Alumni Awarded Fulbright Scholarships
Trevor J. Bakker ’10 and Kevin X. Liu ’11 joined 37 other scholars from universities in the United States in the US-UK exchange program of 168 individuals.
When Parents Will Not Pay
When parents refuse to pay Harvard tuition, undergraduates and Harvard administrators can find themselves in a difficult situation.
Two Juniors Earn Truman Scholarship
Two Harvard undergraduates were awarded the prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship.
Four Win Gates Scholarship
Three Harvard undergraduates and a Harvard Medical School student are among the 30 American recipients of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
Summer Funding Deadlines Fast Approaching
While mountains of snow, slushy puddles, and an igloo in the Quad may make summer seem far away, deadlines for summer grants are fast approaching.
Harvard's Class of 2011 Rhodes Scholars
This year, Zachary M. Frankel ’11, Daniel E. Lage ’11, and Baltazar A. Zavala ’11 and first-year Medical School student Aakash K. Shah were selected as Rhodes Scholars. We caught up with Frankel and Zavala to ask them about their time at the College and their thoughts on spending at least the next year at the University of Oxford in England.