Op Eds
Investment for the Future
Neither Chile nor Harvard won the lottery, but, together, we are doing something better—not relying on chance but investing in some of the brightest and hardest-working young people to learn and generate knowledge and, in so doing, to help create a better world.
The Man and the Movement
Far too many of us equated the man with the movement, as if electing a strong candidate was the same thing as effecting social change.
All in a Name
Thankfully, the Obama administration—the same administration, it should be said, that strongly disapproves of Israeli settlement expansion and that gave the world the now-famous “Cairo Speech” this past June—seems to recognize the report for what it is: age-old anti-Israel bias couched in apparent UN objectivity.
The People’s Vote
On a cold night in November 2008, the cheers of almost a quarter of a million people echoed around Grant ...
Intimidation at Work
Harvard University cannot tolerate discrimination and the intimidation of its workers.