Gen Ed
Harvard Poised To Eliminate Option To Take Gen Ed, QRD Courses Pass-Fail
Faculty of Arts and Sciences professors expressed broad support at a Tuesday FAS meeting for proposals to eliminate the option to take courses fulfilling the Harvard College General Education and Quantitative Reasoning with Data requirements on a pass-fail basis.
Elimination of Gen Ed Pass-Fail Will Not Affect Current Students, HUA Officer Announces
A proposal to phase out the pass-fail option for the General Education program will only go into effect starting with the Class of 2029, a Harvard Undergraduate Officer announced Tuesday.
Harvard Updates Gen Ed Guidelines to Curb Grade Inflation
The Harvard College Program in General Education updated its guidelines for Gen Ed instructors in an attempt to standardize grading across classes and mitigate grade inflation.
Harvard May Phase Out Pass-Fail Option for General Education Courses
Students may lose the option to count General Education courses toward their graduation requirements if they are taken pass-fail, Harvard College’s Program in General Education confirmed Wednesday.
How Intellectual Vitality Became Vital to Harvard
Three years ago, almost no Harvard students had heard of “intellectual vitality.” Now, they can’t escape it.
YouTubers Disguised as Harvard Students Crash Classes
A team of YouTubers disguised as Harvard students crashed some undergraduate classes Tuesday to the dismay of several professors and students.
Harvard Teacher Fellows Subsumed by New HGSE Master’s Program
Harvard Teacher Fellows — a teacher training initiative for students at the College — will no longer accept new cohorts of students as it is rolled into a new degree at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
UC Endorses Petitions in Support of Cornel West and Against Statements by J. Mark Ramseyer
The Undergraduate Council voted to endorse a pair of statements during its Sunday night meeting — one supporting a petition to grant tenure to Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy Cornel R. West ’74, and another to condemn statements made by Harvard Law professor J. Mark Ramseyer.
Allison P. Pao '21
Allison P. Pao '21 is one of the authors of a petition requesting that Harvard renew Gen Ed 1076 for the 2021-2022 school year.
Five Things Shorter than My Gen Ed Readings
So you've finally got your schedule set, books purchased, and go-to Zoom background prepared — now all that's left is to actually do your assignments, right? Except somehow that "gem" of a Gen Ed has decided that you and your peers are in need of eight articles, six book chapters, and three novellas-worth of reading each week. At this point, pretty much anything is shorter than your dreaded assignments, so why not spend some time reading the Declaration of Independence or journeying to your nearest water source instead?
Hundreds of Harvard Affiliates Petition to Renew Popular Education Gen Ed
In wake of the College’s decision to cut a popular education course from its fall offerings, undergraduates released a petition on Monday calling on Harvard’s administration to reconsider.
College Will Require All Fall Courses to Guarantee Students Two to Four Hours of Live Interaction
Though all courses will be virtual this fall, Harvard College expects professors to guarantee every student — regardless of time zone — between two and four hours of live interaction with course staff or peers each week, according to official College guidelines.
New Gen Ed Lottery System Marks 'Significant Improvement,' Khurana Says
Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana said he thinks Harvard’s new lottery system for General Education courses marks a “significant improvement” over the previous process in a Tuesday interview.
Gened Lottery Reax
During shopping week, students overflowed into the hallways of Sever Hall, as they attempted to shop GENED 1142.