
Flyby Campus

Best Acceptance Reaction
Flyby Blog

How To: Get the Best Acceptance Reaction Video

So you just got into Harvard. Congrats! But if you’re really meant for Harvard, you should know that every moment is an opportunity to capitalize on your past successes. You need to post a reaction video and get those sweet sweet TikTok views. Here’s how to make it happen.

Best Acceptance Reaction
Flyby Blog

Best Acceptance Reaction

Harvard Acceptance Article

Will You Study For Your Midterms?
Flyby Blog

Will You Study For Your Midterms?

Will You Study For Your Midterms?

Will You Study For Your Midterms?
Flyby Blog

Will You Study For Your Midterms?

Your midterms are piling up, but as much as you want to spend your time studying, something always gets in the way. Check out this flowchart to see if you will actually hit the books or end up binge watching the new season of You.

missed you so much!
Flyby Blog

Things I Missed About Harvard on Break

Does being on campus again and completing yet another midterm make you bummed? Take a step back for a second, and you'll find that there are many things to love about Harvard. While enjoying more sleep, I found myself missing a few Harv-specific things while on break.

guide to thriving during ramadan
Flyby Blog

How To: Thrive During Ramadan

For all the college students who celebrate — Happy Ramadan (Ramadan Mubarak)! For most of us in our college years, it can be difficult to imagine a fulfilling Ramadan experience without the comfort of your family and delicious home-cooked meals at the end of a long fast. As a freshman, I was really nervous about what Ramadan would be like at Harvard. Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy my time and I found that you can still make the most of this month, even away from home. Here are some tips that will hopefully help you to discover the same!

Housing Day
Flyby Blog

Post-Housing Day Realizations

Housing Day is one of the most celebrated days at Harvard. It can be both exciting and stressful. After the stress of navigating blocking and linking groups, we scale walls and sneak around HUPD into each of the nine river houses, desperately trying to win the favor of the River Gods. Although there are many myths and preconceived notions about each house, here are my post housing day realizations.

I didn't see that coming
Flyby Blog

Expectations vs. Reality: First Semester of Freshman Year

Spring semester has been kicking my ass — literally. I’ve been bedridden for the past week-and-a-half trying to overcome the flu, Covid, the plague, who knows? All I know is that during my bed rest, I have had a chance to reflect on the first five months of my life at Harvard — boy was it a wild ride. So, let’s reminisce on aspects of the first semester of freshman year for good ole’ times sake.

treat yourself gif
Flyby Blog

treat yourself gif

treat yourself gif
Flyby Blog

Times When You Should Give Yourself A Little Treat

Do you treat yourself? Do you give yourself a little treat for completing basic activities? You know what I’m talking about, and if you don’t, read along and you might realize you need a lil treaty treat.

Cabot Cafe
Flyby Blog

What is Cabot Café?

A look inside one of the Quad’s most loved amenities — Cabot Café. The perfect late night space to grab a drink or snack, catch up with friends, or grind out three psets and a paper during the witching hours of 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The river gods aren’t happy about this one. Just this once, the Quad has a win.

adams housing market 2023 header

Adams House

Welcome to Adams House! Boasting the largest student population on campus, a close-knit community, a 2-minute walk to the Yard, the oldest buildings on campus, spacious bedrooms, and newly-renovated dorms, Adams is the sought-after unicorn of Housing Market.

quincy housing market 2023 header

Quincy House

Welcome to Quincy House! Known for its hot breakfast and elevated dhall, Quincy lives up to its mantra: The People’s House. With a great community, welcoming faculty deans, the iconic Qube library, and superior merch, this house has something for everyone!

How to: Celebrate Your Housing Assignment
Flyby Blog

How To: Celebrate Your Housing Assignment

For all the freshmen unsure of what to do now that they have their housing day assignments, flyby has your back. Check out this article for a list of things to do solo or with your blockmates after you finally know which house you have been ~sorted~ into.

lowell housing market 2023 header

Lowell House

Welcome to Lowell House! It’s home to the iconic blue bell tower, so you have probably heard of it (or its bells, at least). On top of being one of the closest houses to the Yard, Lowell is steeped in tradition and community. From weekly tea and steins to neon raves and Roman-God-themed formals, what’s not to lo(well)ve?
