
Commencement Feature

Gerald L. Chan
Central Administration

Chan Gift Has Public Health Faculty Optimistic

A historic gift brings the School of Public Health promise for the future and optimism for the present.

Tamara E. Rogers
Central Administration

Promoting the Harvard Campaign

Spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year, Harvard pulls out all the stops as it seeks to break a fundraising record.

Former HMC President and CEO Mendillo
Central Administration

Returning to High Returns

High expectations await Stephen Blyth, Harvard Management Company’s new CEO.

Harvard and the Olympics
Harvard in the City

Boston's Olympic Bid

Harvard could factor into Boston’s plans for the 2024 Games, but its tumultuous history in Allston has some residents worried.

House Life

Harvard Strong: Multimedia Feature

After explosions at the Boston Marathon and during a lockdown that paralyzed Greater Boston, administrators mobilized to keep the campus running.

Men's Basketball

Team of the Year: Men's Basketball

Along with winning a third straight Ivy League title, the Harvard men's basketball team finally checked off a box from their list of goals this season - winning a game in March Madness.

Class of 1988

Campus Workers Unite Under HUCTW

Director of the new Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers Kris Rondeau was attending a rally for Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis’s presidential campaign in a packed Sanders Theater when she received the good news.

Where We Stand: The Class of 2013 Senior Survey
House Life

Where We Stand: The Class of 2013 Senior Survey

In a year marked by a major cheating scandal at Harvard, more than 30 percent of graduating seniors admit they have cheated on a homework assignment during their four years as undergraduates.

Commencement 2013

In 1963, Early Roots Of Blossoming Civil Rights Movement

Inside and outside the gates of Harvard Yard, students responded to the emerging Civil Rights Movement. While some remember campus as an insular community that looked at the movement from afar, many black students within the school worked to create a sense of community, and individual and group efforts among both the student body and the administration emerged to support racial equality through activism at Harvard, in the local Cambridge and Boston area, and in the South.
