

Empty Stage at Sanders Theater

A Liberal Arts Education Without the Arts

But Harvard cannot be surprised if some students feel more fulfilled by their extracurricular commitments when those clubs fill crucial gaps in Harvard’s curriculum — in subjects administrators have declared an important part of a liberal arts education.

CVS Prices Graphic

Harvard Students Have Grocery Options. We Refuse To Use Them.

While oft-repeated claims of CVS’s price gouging are believable yet harmless, the notion that Harvard Square lacks an accessible grocery store is plainly false. It’s time to put these rumors to bed for good.

Annenberg Dining Hall

Competition Shouldn’t Cost Us Our Friendships

When we support — rather than compete against — our classmates, we contribute to a strong, united community aimed at mutual flourishing rather than individualized ambition.

SEAS Classroom

I Ran The Numbers. There is a 300% Workload Gap Between Some Majors.

If administrators like Dean Khurana are serious about academic laxity at Harvard, they must be prepared to have frank conversations about the source of this problem and recognize its disparate incidence in humanities and social science courses.

The Marx-Engels Reader

Harvard Preaches Progressivism — It Also Preserves Power

The spectre of Neo-Marxism is not haunting Harvard. We may speak the language of transformation, but the actions of our University remain anchored in the preservation of power.

Hillel Interior

I Observe Shabbat Every Week. Here’s Why You Should Too.

To hyperproductive Harvard students, taking an entire, fully unplugged day off each week may seem impossible — or even prehistoric. But I believe that everyone — Jewish or otherwise — stands to benefit from their own personal version of Shabbat.

Walking to Class

Harvard Needs To Connect the Disciplines

Many students choose Harvard for its diverse student body, yet the current curriculum limits interactions between them. The University needs to design courses that deliberately foster interdisciplinary learning beyond the Gen Ed system.

Gender Neutral Bathroom Graphic

Harvard’s Bathroom Dilemma

As Harvard continues to complete housing renovations for undergraduates, those in charge of plans need to consider how living arrangements will actually play out in future years, and give affiliates more of a say in their restroom setup.

Blocking Graphic

Harvard, I Have More Than Seven Friends

The loss of linking is bigger than hurt feelings and petty politics. It is a threat to espoused ideals of fairness, a reversal of a long historical process toward inclusivity, and a slap in the face to Harvardian norms of courtship.

Harvard Sinking Boat Graphic

Administrative Reports Won’t Make Students Speak Their Minds

The way forward is not more policies — it is simply to raise your hand in lecture or section and state, “I completely disagree with what you said, and here is why.”

Allston Housing

Harvard’s Development Can’t Leave Allstonians in the Dust

As Harvard finalizes its community benefits during the ongoing IMP process, Allston’s future hangs in the balance. Will the University take the course of minimum expenditure? Or will it commit to supporting the livelihood of its long-time neighbors?

Science Center Lecture Halls

Harvard Classes Don’t Have To Be This Boring

So, as the College reconciles with the findings of the Classroom Social Compact Committee, I’ll remind them that if they want active students, they need to embrace active learning.

Harvard Admissions Office

Harvard, Reaffirm Your Commitment To Racial Diversity

Let us not allow a Supreme Court decision to dictate and distract from our core values. Do the right thing, Harvard. Reaffirm your commitment to racial diversity.

Donor Admissions Graphic

Should Harvard Admit More Rich Kids? Actually, Yes

So, sure, get rid of admissions preferences for legacies. Hell, do the same for recruited athletes. But maybe it would be best for Harvard to avoid biting the hand that feeds it.

My Class is Across the Yard

Studying for My Midterm in Neo-Marxist Class Warfare Propaganda

The government can’t win over the hearts and minds of the youth through gradual institutional reform — their best strategy is to sharpen the contradictions until we cast off our false consciousness and unleash the productive forces of a new world order.
