Admissions Student Life
Lucerito L. Ortiz '10
Lucerito L. Ortiz '10 is the Senior Admissions Officer at Harvard University and co-director of the Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program (UMRP).
Do Admissions Officers Discriminate Against Asian Americans?
There are two very well-known facts about highly-selective admissions among Asian American applicants: 1) Asian American applicants and admittances, on average, score higher on the SAT than students from any other race. 2) While the percentage of students belonging to most other racial minorities in highly selective colleges have gone up over the years, the percentage of Asian-American students has not.
The Cons of Being Asian American
Are Asian American students held to much higher standards compared to peers during the college application process?
Zuckerberg Welcomes Class of 2018 to Harvard and Facebook Group
Though Mark E. Zuckerberg never received his diploma from Harvard College, the Admissions Office called upon him this year to be part of an admitted students video posted to the Class of 2018 admit page.
Samuel L. Coffin
Samuel L. Coffin '14 planned to attend the University of Pennsylvania before he found out that he was on Harvard's "z-list."
On Being A Low Income Student at Harvard
Every year, students all over the world are thrilled to receive acceptance letters to Harvard and other Ivy League schools. It’s a sign that their hard work in school has finally paid off, and that they are on their way to accomplishing even more. But for a large portion of admitted students, it’s not the acceptance letter that guarantees the diploma–it’s the financial aid letter.
Poor Fish, Rich Pond
Low income students walk through the gates of an Ivy League school worried that they will not be able to fit in.
International applicants often find themselves applying to both American universities and local ones, causing twice the stress.
International students often have to go through two sets of admissions processes if they want to attend a university in the U.S.
The Hidden Costs of College
In order to get a better understanding of what you may be spending money on, here are the top five expenses for college students as suggested by the undergraduates across the Ivy League and other selective institutions around the United States.
No Money, Honey!
Students end up spending a lot more money in college due to "hidden costs".