2018 Election
From Harvard to Beacon Hill: Quentin Palfrey ’96 Makes a Bid for Lieutenant Governor
Quentin A. Palfrey ’96 always knew he wanted to serve others. Now, drawing on Harvard role models ranging from Theodore Roosevelt to his parents, he's running to serve as Massachusetts's next lieutenant governor.
Quentin Palfrey on Primary Night
Quentin A. Palfrey ’96, pictured here on the night of the Sept. 2018 primary, is the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor.
Kennedy School Ramps Up Voter Registration Efforts
HKS has introduced a University-wide voting challenge to encourage Harvard affiliates to register to vote before the Nov. 6 elections.
Ayanna Pressley Defeats Incumbent Congressman Michael Capuano
Running unopposed in November, Pressley, 44, will become the first African-American to represent the state in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Political Newcomers, Harvard Affiliates See Victories in Massachusetts Primaries
In a primary upset in Massachusetts’s 7th Congressional District, Ayanna S. Pressley defeated incumbent Democratic Rep. Michael E. Capuano.
Quentin Palfrey
Quentin Palfrey defeated Jimmy Tingle to become the Democratic nominee for Massachusetts lieutenant governor.