
1993 25th Reunion

Elizabeth Warren Portrait
Harvard Law School

Tensions and Tenure: Elizabeth Warren at the Law School

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth A. Warren came up for tenure at Harvard Law School in 1993, and her review proved a flashpoint in the ongoing discussion about gender at the school.

Graham Allison

'Political Feeling': Harvard and the 1992 Election

For many students at the time, 1992 was the first election in memory in which a Democrat had a real shot at the White House.

Henry Louis Gates

Rebuilding African and African American Studies

Over the course of the nineties, Harvard’s Afro-American Studies department put itself on the map primarily by increasing faculty recruitment.

Governor Gina Raimondo

Gina M. Raimondo ’93 Recalls Harvard as Formative

Raimondo, a Democrat and the first female governor of the Ocean State, fondly remembers her time at Harvard.

Tommy's Lunch
Square Business

Remembering Tommy's Lunch, 'A Harvard Institution'

From 1958 to 1992, Tommy’s Lunch served greasy late-night food to generations of Harvard students. The restaurant’s sudden closure in Nov. 1992 shocked loyal customers and fellow Square merchants.

Harvard Mineralogical Museum

A Jewel Heist at Harvard

Yet that morning, when the police asked museum workers to check whether or not precious gems were missing, they realized that more than 100 museum items had been stolen over the course of nine months, and that the theft had remained undetected for almost a year.

Tracy Palandjian in College

A Woman with a Social Impact: Tracy P. Palandjian ’93

In her late 30s, Tracy P. Palandjian ’93 had an awakening—while working at a management consulting firm, she began to search for something greater than herself.
