{shortcode-3018d4415d0ccbab536668b928795d4cfea945ae} Returning to classes post-winter break is a joyful time; though you now have to suffer through long-winded lectures and toil over psets, you finally get to see all of your friends (and miscellaneous acquaintances) again. But wait — that means you have to listen to their questions about your winter break…and answer them. You would really, really love to have an exciting conversation about your winter break during this week’s deluge of reunions, but that’s just the teeny-tiniest bit difficult when you did exactly nothing over break. You can’t admit that, but you also can’t lie.

You have morals. You have principles. You are veritas. So what can you do?

The answer is simple: pretend you’re putting your break on your resume. We realize, however, that not everyone has perfected the style of exaggeration involved in resume writing, so here are some suggestions if you’re in a bind.

Went Shopping

Served as a retail strategist and consultant for the textile manufacturing industry. Increased the national GDP by several percentage points.

Watched TV

Set a new world record for staring contests, outperforming specially trained computers. Analyzed messaging around relationships, drug paraphernalia, the prison-industrial complex, etc., in popular film media.

Partied. Hard.

Planned and executed various social events within a 24-hour period. Awarded accolades for resourceful use of purchased materials (left unsaid: all the alcohol went in your mouth).

Built a Gingerbread House

Exercised architectural expertise based on detailed blueprint instructions. Constructed a freestanding dwelling for a family of five.

Watched TikTok All Day, Every Day

Catalogued and analyzed trends in the entertainment industry on an hourly basis. Reflected on the fleeting nature of joy in the context of impending government limitations on individual recreation.

Spent Too Much Money on Food

Became a world-class food critic (for my five followers on Beli), transforming the restaurant industry on the local scale.

Became an iPad Kid

Invented time travel and age reversal technology. Experienced a nostalgic re-entering of childhood through digital media and games.

Saw Your Family

Conducted a case study of a middle-class nuclear family. Rekindled ancestral links.

Walked Your Dog

Began delicately training my beloved pooch for the intensive Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, upcoming in November 2025.

Went on a Singular Walk

Exercised grounding techniques through therapeutic action in the outdoors. Prioritized fitness through reconnection with nature.

Built a Snowman… and Watched It Slowly Melt

Followed in the footsteps of the world-renowned Dr. Frankenstein by creating an anthropomorphic lifeform not descendant from any other life forms, producing insights into its transient and elusive lifecycle.

Ate Grapes on New Year’s

Proactively prepared for future success and well-being by delighting in a delicious snack. Prevented deaths by choking within a crowd of intoxicated celebrants.

Literally Stayed in Bed All Day, Every Day (You think we can’t salvage this one? It’s child’s play.)

Entered and completed a mindfulness retreat to heal the mind, body, and soul after intensive academic activity.

At the end of the day, let’s face it. We cannot be incredibly impressive all of the time; it is okay (and even welcome!) to be unproductive, especially over breaks.

Winter break is a time to relax and destress, and we hope that you have had the chance to treat it that way. Even if you did not become an international superstar traveler this past winter, recognize your accomplishments! Flyby is proud of you — you’re doing amazing, sweetie. <3