{shortcode-e6f2ae434c364e6707aca95d106bdee6473939bf}Congratulations on your acceptance to Harvard! We know there’s so much information to take in about our wonderful institution, and it can be overwhelming. Well, we at Flyby, being the benevolent publication that we are, have decided to make things easier for you. Here are the top 10 things you need to know about Harvard.

10. The Lowell Bells can go off whenever, so be ready.

You never know when that resonant chime of doom will wake you from your slumber or stop you in the middle of a Zoom call. Be ready to be annoyed a lot.

9. Bring your professor’s book to class on the first day, just in case.

Sometimes they’ll sign it for you! Famous professors love to meet their fans.

8. Everybody takes paper notes.

At some schools, everybody gets out their laptop or iPad during class to take notes. We don’t do that here. The internet simply distracts from learning, which is, of course, the priority. And professors will dock participation points if you use technology. Invest in some good notebooks and pens.

7. Cutting through the Yard is cringe.

In the Yard, you look like a silly little student going to your silly little freshman dorm. On the streets surrounding the Yard, you look like a sophisticated metropolitan. So avoid the paths in the Yard as much as possible. You want to be a²+b², not c².

6. Don’t touch Remy. He’s feral.

Once, Remy (the campus cat) got in my dorm, and then I had to get a series of rabies shots from health services. Admire his orange fur from afar, but don’t you dare pet him.

5. You absolutely have to be on time for everything.

Nobody at Harvard is ever late, especially for extracurricular meetings. Things will start exactly on time, so you better be there.

4. Annenberg has the best food on campus.

Sometimes, upperclassmen will try to be nice and invite you to eat in the house dining halls. Don’t do it. Take advantage of Berg’s superior food while you can.

3. When it’s warm out, everyone goes swimming in the river!

We’re so lucky to have such a clean and refreshing body of water right here on campus. Make sure to pack a swimsuit, because when it’s hot in the dorms, we all follow the time-honored tradition of splashing around in the Charles.

2. Every time people say “Flyby,” they’re referring to us, the blog.

Yeah, the quick-service place under Annenberg is technically called “Fly By.” But nobody calls it that out loud. They’re talking about us, the most important publication on campus.

1. Sometimes, Harvard students like to mess with prefrosh.

Especially me. Sorry! Hazing is illegal. I have to get my kicks where I can.

Anyway, welcome to Harvard, and remember, “veritas” means “gullible” in Latin!