{shortcode-813555b582afc5c009044edc317d37a2dffde235}You’re finally three-quarters of the way through your first year at Harvard and feel comfortable in where you stand: you have a solid group of friends, don’t have to use Google Maps to get to class, life is good. Right? Wrong. You’re now caught in blocking drama — a group of seven with one spot left… Who will it be? We see you making waiting lists, and even deciding based on WEALTH (come on now), but trust us, there are clearly better alternatives to solve this problem. Here are five strategies to determine who will be the last person in your blocking group!

Judge Them Based on Their SAT Score/Common App Essay

Harvard may go test-optional, but your Canaday Clan can’t risk it. Prioritize the 99th percentile test-takers and those with beautifully written personal statements — they’ll be useful to you in the future. Or, if you want an ego boost, capitalize on the grammar mistakes and go the other way around!

Set Up Survivor-esque Challenges for Them

A race from Pennypacker to Holworthy. An all-out brawl in the Berg Balcony. A competition to see who will pick up the phone first and buy you Mucinex from CVS. Never before will your prospective blockmate be so glad they went to the Hem that one time.

Have them Write a 500-Word Response Essay

Have fun with this one! The prompts should be what is essential to know about people you may live somewhat close to for the next three years. Questions can range from “What kind of fruit are you?” to “Who in the current blocking group would you go to first with gossip?”

Make Them Fill Out a Google Form

Learn from the First-Year Experience office! 5 p.m. on the dot, form released. The first hopeful blocker to respond will be the person lucky enough to enter your group. To test for speed and agility, make sure that the questions vary in style: “Check all boxes that apply: Red Flags?”; “Short answer: What are your big three signs, and do you believe that they accurately represent you?”; “Multiple choice: Which blockmate is the hottest?”; etc. Get their brain juices flowing — you only want the best of the best, after all.

Have a Required-lecture Comp

Taking from some of the most successful clubs on campus, you and your blockmates can create a lecture format to turn the candidates into idealized versions of themselves. Maybe have a seven-lecture series where the expectations of a blockmate are presented via Google Slides presentations and Learning Catalytics polls. Make sure to attach an attendance Google Form at the end and warn them that there are no make up sessions. Only the most competent shall survive.

At the end of the day, though, it’s not that deep. That's all. Good night.

Disclaimer: Flyby is not responsible and should not be held liable for any friend group drama that may or may not arise from the use of these tips.