
Our dearest Berg is a place where all first-years should feel welcome. But after pulling excessively hard on the one door that doesn’t open and fumbling with your ID as the hangry post-Ec10 lunch line forms behind you, there is one more obstacle left before you can enjoy your meal: simply, where the heck do you sit? Don’t worry, we gotchu. Here’s the game plan for finding the perfect seat:

1. Scope It Out

We know you’re hungry, and we know you have your eyes locked on the boom-boom sauce, but it’s vital that you do some recon. Take note of any weak points in the armor (i.e. tables where everyone is spaced a few seats apart and you can all eat alone together). It is important that you do not panic or abort the mission. Later when you’re balancing your cup of oat milk, blue Powerade, and all the utensils you took thinking you were going to get soup, you’ll be thankful you know the lay of the land.

2. Lock onto a Target

Allow yourself a maximum of thirty seconds for this step. You don’t want to be that person standing there awkwardly like a lost tourist. Not to mention that people will jab you in the back with their trays if you block their way (not speaking from experience, or anything). Dig deep into the recesses of your memory to find a face you recognize. No connection is too weak, so think Visitas, pre-o, or even that kid who uses you as a shield while they sleep in lecture.

3. Take the Scenic Route

This alternative approach is basically buying you time. Time for you to notice your suitemate tucked away by the exit, or the girl from your hometown meet-up who you haven’t gotten to actually talk to yet. This is also a chance for people to notice you, so put a little swagger in your walk. If someone shouts your name at any point during this step, you’ve officially been saved. Please give this special friend all of your tater tots for the rest of the semester.

4. Be Brave

We know coming up to someone new (or god forbid a group of new people) can be intimidating. But just remember that everyone has been in your shoes at one point or another. Be basic — start with the Harvard intro: name, hometown, and dorm. Then move on to the spicier stuff. What’s going down in Tasty Basty this weekend? Does anyone know your section crush? Is CS50 all just a conspiracy? You’ll likely find that you have a lot more in common with your new friends, besides just the time you eat dinner.

Whether or not you find your future spouse at a random Annenberg table, or even if you immediately forget the person you ate with as soon as you step out of the dhall, your first year at Harvard is all about meeting new people. Now add some veggies to your plate, grab a drink, and don’t drop your tray — because then, even we can’t help you.