{shortcode-2aaded1f37284722d66ac47eab5387d263bd23a8}Decision day was Monday. So, congratulations on finally committing to the most ~transformative~ experience of your life, Class of 2025. Now that you can officially say that you are #HarvardBound, you might want to start thinking about how to humble brag while introducing yourself on social media. Nervous? Don’t be. Flyby is here to make sure your Harvard intro blurb will leave a lasting and good impression to your future classmates with the dos and don’ts in writing it.

Don’t: Brag about your other acceptances

We get it, you’re smart and had a very successful college admission season. Still, that doesn’t mean we want to hear how you got accepted to every single school you applied to. You’ll just seem like an arrogant showoff. Who cares if you got into all 8 Ivies and Stanford? We’re all going to the same school now.

Do: List your interests and hobbies

At the end of the day, you’re writing these intro posts to connect with your future classmates and make some friends over the summer. So make sure to list your hobbies and interests. Is there a K-drama that you’re currently obsessed with? Include it. Chances are someone is also interested in the same show and you just got yourself a new watch buddy.

Don’t: Link your LinkedIn profile

Maybe this is just a personal preference, but I always scoff when people drop their LinkedIn in their bio. It’s just the social media version of showing off your resume. Do you really want to be that person?

Do: Include your other social media

With that said, Facebook posts aren’t the best way to keep in touch with people. So do make sure to include your Insta, Snapchat, and even TikTok, and prepare to make some new friends!

Don’t: Be weirdly passive aggressive about your past

Not all of us had a great high school experience. Still, it always rubs me the wrong way when people rant about their terrible experiences in high school or even during the college admission season in their intro post. It’s TMI and just weird.

For the first impression, let’s just stick to good vibes.

Do: Be Short and Concise

I’m sure you are all very excited to get to know each other. But I guarantee you, no amount of enthusiasm will make people willing to read an entire essay about some random people they’ve never met before in real life. So keep your blurb short and sweet and save your big brain juice for the writing placement exam.

Once again, welcome to your home for the next four years, Class of 2025! We hope this list offers some good advice for you to create your quintessential Harvard announcement post. Though tbh, don’t stress about it. These intro burbs are supposed to be fun and relaxing. And even if you mess up, you will have another chance to make a first impression during orientation!