{shortcode-2d67ca89e8510eb414b0c15166bca5df30c6f910}As we hurtle toward reading period, it can be tough to tap into the reserves of your motivation and finish strong. If you (like us) are motivated by free food or just the concept of doing something that doesn’t involve studying, Harvard has your back. Over the course of reading period, there are plenty of study break events to hit up, so we’ve compiled them here for your easy access.

May 1

LDOC 2019 — Welcome to Paradise

Kick off reading period right by heading to the Science Center Plaza from 3-6 p.m. for College Events Board’s last day of class celebration. There will be an oxygen bar (what?), massages, manicures, bubbles, t-shirts, caricatures, dumplings, snow cones, steel drums, and more. Don’t miss out on this chance to pretend like you’re in paradise before you end up stuck indoors for the next two weeks!

May 2

Treat Yourself Study Break

Head to the basement of Grays from 12-1:30 p.m. for a study break from the Office of Diversity Education and Support! Enjoy Oggi’s pizza and massage chairs while you plant succulents, play board games, and make aromatherapy satchels. All first-generation, undocumented/DACAmented, mixed status students, students of color, and friends/allies are especially welcome!

La Mesa de Mayo

CEB is at it again, this time teaming up with Raza for a discussion on the origins of Cinco de Mayo. This event, including a family-style dinner with great music, will be held at the Student Organization Center at Hilles at 6 p.m. — make sure to RSVP if you need a break from dhall food!

May 8

Swap ‘Til You Drop

Suddenly remembering that you actually have to pack up all of your stuff at the end of finals? Or realizing that your wardrobe is not at all prepared for summer? Stop by the Women’s Center from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. to swap out your gently used clothes and hopefully find some gems for yourself!

Wellbeing Wednesdays

If you’re stressed that it’s the last day of reading period, head to the Mount Auburn Room in the Smith Campus Center from 3-5 p.m. They’ll provide coloring, crafts, and tea! It’s an optimal place to meditate, relax, and unwind.

Cram at the HAM

If you’re getting a little bored of your usual study spaces, switch it up for something much more aesthetic: the Harvard Art Museums! Head to the Quincy St. entrance from 7-11 p.m. for snacks, coffee, and a museum-themed playlist. The courtyard and galleries will be open for studying, or take a break with a student-led tour or a virtual reality sketching session!

As the libraries and study spaces around campus fill up and the deadlines loom closer, don’t forget to take a breather every now and then. And hey, when free food is on the table, you might as well take it.