
Everyone's favorite “let’s get lunch” (but not actually ever) lunch spot has been seized. Market in the Square's seizure poses problems—problems that you may not have realized you even had yet. We’re here to break the sad news to you.

Reduction in Square Diversity

The loss of a restaurant in the Square not named "Felipe's" or "El Jefe's" is especially troubling. The list of non-Mexican Subway-esque eateries to visit at 2 a.m. has been reduced by one. The list now stands at two, and we may die if we eat at Nocch's or Tasty another time this semester.

Loss of a Mildly Adultlike Date Option

Asking someone to get lunch at Market conveyed that you wanted your date to see you in a setting that wasn't a JP Licks or a Felipe's. You probably chose Market to seem mildly cultured, and you succeeded. It wasn't as pricey or serious as Spice, but it was less juvenile than Noch's. Good luck finding that culinary sweet spot now.

Introduction of a Half-Block Walk of Sadness

The walk from Brattle Street to the Yard via Church Street is now glum. As if seeing the ghost of Fire and Ice twice a week wasn't sad enough...now, we have to reminisce of the days of dropping $13 on a Grand Canyon with a bag of chips at Market. What once was a beacon of the "treat yourself" mindset in the Square is no more. A daily reminder of that loss lies across from the City Sports graveyard.

Some never ate at Market. Some lived at Market. We all can only move on now and pray that another Clover does not move in.