{shortcode-46cd2899d6ab800c16e188d53e7c6ff72da40665}New Year’s eve can be very stressful, to say the least. First, you have to find a party that you’re willing to stay at for at least a few hours, then you need to scope out someone to kiss at midnight from a room full of people you either a) went to high school with or b) do not know.
Still, everyone says New Year’s Eve should be fun and carefree—a big party to start out the new year. Whether you are home with your family or out with your friends, Flyby has come up with some anxiety-free ways to ensure a successful start to the year:
{shortcode-8cd8ce08f2561592201a3bc4b64852ca3f1ffe80}In Spain, where I come from, during the last minutes of December 31st, each person prepares a cup with twelve grapes, (or twelve marshmallows, if you have a sweet tooth like me). When the clock strikes 11:59:48 p.m., the countdown begins. Each second, you have to eat a grape. This may seem fairly simple, but around the 8th grape your weaker, less competent friends and family may start choking. Don’t let that distract you: if you are able to eat the twelve grapes in time, you are guaranteed a year worth of good luck.
Of course, we’re in college, and more likely to spend our precious dollars on two buck chuck than a bag of fresh grapes. Flyby doesn’t endorse taking 12 shots in 12 seconds (seriously, do NOT try this at home), but we can imagine that some vodka-infused gummy bears could do the trick if you’re looking for a wild way to ring in the New Year.
If choking on grapes or candy is not part of your ideal New Year’s Eve, there are plenty of other fun traditions to take part in. The Italians, for instance, like to throw furniture out of their window to celebrate the New Year. Out with the old, in with the new. While Yard Ops (or your parents) would likely not be pleased with you throwing furniture out of windows, why not roast some marshmallows over a flame consisting of old psets, exams, and papers? Or if fire is not your style, follow the Italian tradition and toss them out the window, which is likely as close as you’ll get to snow this warm holiday season.
However you choose to ring in 2016, Flyby wishes you a happy and safe New Year's Eve! After all, you only have a few weeks left to rejoice and be merry before spring semester starts up.