
For many people, the winter holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. Watching holiday specials of your favorite shows, spending time with family, opening presents, and eating too many holiday cookies to count all help to make the season so magical. However, the recent bouts of unnaturally warm weather have definitely taken away from the usual holiday feel. This year, all dreams of a White Christmas seem beyond reach, unless we expect to see the East Coast drop from a balmy 70° down to below freezing in time for Santa’s arrival. In case the Christmas Eve heat wave has got you down, flyby is here with the holiday guide to global warming.

DO: Improvise your snowman!

The tragedy of our world slowly warming up is no reason to forego some of the best holiday traditions. Even though it might not be snowing where you live, you can still find ways to improvise your Frosty. Dirt, mud, or large piles of grass all work just as well as snow to create a makeshift snowman.

DON’T: Use the oven for holiday cookies

The Earth is hot enough as it is. Raw cookie dough is not even that bad for you. Avoid using this extra energy and just make your holiday cookies raw. They decorate well either way, and few things bring a family closer together than a shared salmonella outbreak on Christmas Eve.

DO: Turn off your Christmas lights

With global warming upon us, energy conservation is key, and yes that applies to all of your Christmas lights. Nothing says the holiday season more than a row of dark houses throughout the neighborhood, right? Luckily, the dirt snowmen on the front lawn should add some holiday cheer. If not, hanging strings of popcorn along the length of your house is just tedious enough to fill the void normally occupied by putting up excessive amounts of lights.

DON’T: Forget sunscreen when you're tanning

Given the fact that it's the end of December and now officially winter, putting on sunscreen may not always be your top priority. However, this holiday season seems to be presenting a new opportunity to improve that pasty complexion. Why not capitalize on the extra sunlight by getting a little tanning in? But while basking in the warm winter sun, make sure you don't forget to apply that sunscreen.

Even though snow on Christmas would be ideal, with flyby’s help you can still have a very merry holiday season at these unusually hot temperatures. Plus for those who simply cannot get over the unnaturally warm weather, rest assured, we’ll likely make up for this lack of snow when the spring semester greets us with another snowpocalypse.