{shortcode-93ccfb946704bc34c845fb2f8132c17ca82319a2}There are two kinds of people in this world, the people who spent all their BoardPlus in the first two months of the semester, and freshmen. If you are a part of the latter group, or simply forgot until this late in the game that your HUID is a magical key that leads to a treasure trove of snacks, don’t fret– here are five easy steps to use up your BoardPlus by the end of the semester:

1) Stuff your microfridge for the long winter ahead.

Buy out the entire stock of Indian food in the Greenhouse Cafe, and store it in your fridge. You know you won’t have time to make your biweekly trip to Maharaja once exams start anyways, so you’re going to need that samosa when the times get rough.

2) Make someone’s day.

Venture into Lamont at any time between midnight and 2 a.m. and deliver a coffee from the Lamont cafe to a fatigued stranger. Note: the most pitiful students can be found skulking in the book inlets of Level B, muttering the words, “conference draft.”

3) Buy those overly expensive foods you’ve always wanted to buy.

Sushi. Enough said.

4) Build a life-sized pastry statue of Dean Khurana.

Food can be used as a form of commemorative art. Improve the tourist photos by adding a Dean Khurana statue next to John Harvard. If you’re lucky, you might even make it on his Instagram.

5) Seize the business opportunity.

Buy the entire stock of CGIS Cafe using BoardPlus, and then resell the food to tourists at key locations around campus. For optimal results, set up a table at the foot of Widener steps and have Harvard students take small bites out of the food items prior to sale.

Don’t let those precious dollars go to waste– three weeks may seem like a short amount of time, but there are endless creative ways to spend them.