{shortcode-efe9d4da9e2838f6f19074a50f3c62f7255c9194}There are a wide ranges of initiatives and important discussions taking place on campus this fall, including controversies about the role of final clubs within the college’s social scene and questions about the changing visions of the Black Lives Matter movement, but one that has fallen under the radar is the movement to end breakfast meetings at Harvard.

The movement’s Facebook page, entitled “The Last Breakfast Meeting at Harvard,” was created by the group “Sietse for Class Marshal 2016: Because Nothing Broke Last Time.” According to the explanation on the group page: “breakfast meetings are a disaster. They often involve waking up, and consistently involve leaving your room before absolutely necessary. Together, we can put an end to breakfast meetings. Join the movement to schedule meetings at literally any other time of day.”

Before you push this aside as another random Facebook event that you need to ignore, it’s worth noting that the group has created a UC referendum eligibility petition for you to sign if you agree– they mean it. So even though only 20 people have marked that they are “attending” the event (with 12 people interested), the group’s demands may have started to gain some traction. What do you think? Should Harvard ban breakfast meetings from occurring in favor of guaranteeing Harvard students more sleep?