This past Tuesday, Uber partnered up with HUBWeek in Boston to offer #UberMentor. I decided to give it a try.

October 5, 2015

1:00 p.m.: I wake up to an exciting email from Uber (read: not an email from Uber reminding me that I Ubered to McDonald’s last night twice.)

1:05 p.m.: I comprehend aforementioned email. It reads #UberMentor and explains that this is my chance on October 6 from 1-4 p.m. I can ride along with an #UberMentor to get some career advice, talk through some ideas, or just learn from one of Boston’s brightest. AKA help me get a job.

October 6, 2015

10:31 a.m.: Walk into class half an hour late. Open my computer. Realize it is October 6 AKA #UberMentor. Peep the ProTip that Uber graciously provides "(ProTip: Get the most out of your session by being prepared for your trip. Have your resume available or a clear list of goals you’d like to discuss during your ride)."

10:33 a.m.: Find my resume and realize it is no use. Decide that I will write a Flyby article about my time with #UberMentor instead….Wait until 1 p.m. to meet my #UberMentor.


12:55 p.m.: My heart begins to flutter as I realize that there are just 5 more minutes until I can meet my #UberMentor. I am ready to begin requesting.

2:14 p.m.: I wake up from an unexpected nap. Full panic mode. Did I miss #UberMentor?

2:15 p.m.:{shortcode-54ff8c041506ef994778f6d72c7d97ba7614a424}

One Hour Later….

3:21 p.m.:{shortcode-67dd04355d0ece8bb5697ec541ffd4638f310e83}

…….same “All mentors in meetings! Check back soon.” for next 38 minutes……..

3:59 p.m. (one minute before #UberMentor ends):{shortcode-55be3260300140796e335660e923ce006ed223d1}

4:06 p.m. (give up and take UberX to McDonald’s):{shortcode-ddbc28825d8879225fb07bf39678476d60423902}

Moral of the story: If at first you don’t succeed, UberX to McDonald’s.