{shortcode-7586737a9f58abf62a19ec35035fa8f7c7ae1531} Happy Friday—you’ve made it to the weekend!

UPDATED: April 5, 2014, at 3:36 p.m.

As you’re thinking of possibly starting some spring cleaning this weekend (or not), here’s what the current state of your bookshelf says about you:

1) The Show-Off: Your bookcase serves as a trophy display for all of the achievements you prided yourself on in high school and that you, sadly, realize have no meaning here among the winners of the Hunger Games of college student admissions. You should consider progressing forward, rather than dwelling on former victory.

2) The Average Joe: On your bookshelf sits a healthy combination of course textbooks, pleasure-reading favorites, and that one 500 page book that you have been telling yourself you will read since your prefrosh summer. You don’t feel compelled to be unconventional for unconventionality’s sake, and in the case of dorm square footage, this is probably a good thing – sometimes there is a reason for tradition. Continue making the best of the things that you have.

3) Shoe Holder: Found that your closet space was less than spectacular this year? Realized that you didn’t actually have to buy any hard copies of books because your readings are online for this semester? If so then you may have taken to using your bookcase as supplemental storage for your expansive wardrobe. No doubt you are using the money that you are saving by not purchasing your wildly overpriced course material to afford your hipster and/or supermodel-esque wardrobe.

{shortcode-dc001745643bda9aae63574c857ed38bcbc2b882} IN THE ATMOSPHERE
So the sun is officially gone again (is anyone surprised?); it’ll be mostly cloudy today with a high of 44 degrees. Plus, there’s a 100% chance of rain at night so you know your best party accessory tonight will be an umbrella.

5-Spice Pork and Noodles
Shrimp Po Boy
Roasted Eggplant, Pepper & Squash Panini with Refried Beans

BBQ Pulled Pork
Pork Sausage Sub with Peppers & Onions
Greek Pizza on Multigrain Crust
*There’s a “Sports Bar” for dessert, and no, we don’t know what that means either

1) An Open Letter to Ted Mosby: This one goes out to all the How I Met Your Mother fans who have never felt more disappointed.
2) Dear Kwasi Enin, Pick Harvard: “Despite our newfound self-doubt, we’d all like to believe Harvard is the obvious choice. The other Ivies are great to varying degrees obviously, but come on. It’s Harvard.”

3) Amid Debate, Faust Announces Creation of Sexual Assault Task Force: “On the heels of a surge in campus-wide and national attention on Harvard’s current sexual assault policies, University President Drew G. Faust announced the creation of a task force focused on sexual assault and misconduct in an email to the Harvard community Thursday afternoon.”
4) Committee for Undergrad Ed Continues Discussion of Pass/Fail Deadline: “On Wednesday, [The Committee on Undergraduate Education] considered the benefits and drawbacks of pushing the pass/fail deadline to the seventh Monday of the semester.”

Love dance? Love kids? Love time travel? Come see all three at CityStep’s 30th Annual Show, featuring Cambridge elementary and middle school students dancing through the ages. CityStep Time Machine is tonight at 7 p.m. and tomorrow at 1 p.m. & 5 p.m. in Sanders Theater. Tickets are $5, and you can buy them from the Harvard Box Office or from any CityStep member.

Stop by Science Center C tonight to see former Representative Barney Frank '61-'62 receive the 8th Annual Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism, presented by the Harvard Community of Humanists, Atheists and Agnostics (HCHAA) at 8:00 p.m.

Kirkland House will be hosting Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld, authors of The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, as part of their Conversations With Kirkland series today at 5 p.m. in the Kirkland JCR. RSVP here for what is sure to be an interesting discussion with the Tiger Mother and her husband!

Join Latinas Unidas tonight from 7-9 pm in the SOCH Penthouse for their annual Latina Appreciation Dinner to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of Latinas at Harvard.

And here’s your weekly roundup of theater on campus:
The Pillowman premieres this weekend on the Loeb Mainstage. Performances are at 8 p.m. tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday. Tickets are available at the Harvard Box Office.

In Other Words, an original musical, premieres in the Loeb Experimental Theater. Tickets are free and can be reserved by emailing wordsintheex@gmail.com. Performances are tonight, Satruday, and Sunday at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.

The Garage Sale premieres in the Adams Pool Theater tonight. Performances are tonight at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 2 p.m., and tickets can be reserved for free by emailing thegaragesaleshow@gmail.com

Les Phys, a musical about the struggles of students in Physics 16, premieres in the Cabot Theater tonight at 8 p.m. Additional performances are at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday. Free tickets are available at the email lesphystickets@gmail.com

Patience; or Bunthorne’s Bride has its second weekend of shows in the Agassiz Theatre tonight at 8 p.m., Saturday at 6 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at the Harvard Box Office.

Ben S. Kuhn '15, Angie Jo '16, and Aaron D. Tucker '16 of Harvard College Effective Altruism discuss Atheist Coming Out Week in the Adams Diaspora Room on Wednesday evening.

This post has been revised to reflect the following correction:

CORRECTION: April 6, 2014

An earlier version of this post misspelled the name of Angie Jo '16.