Got a big date this week and lack sufficient funds to go to a good restaurant? Go to a school that closes dining halls during Spring Break despite the large number of students who stay on campus (who would do that?!?!)? Flyby’s got you covered. It’s Restaurant Week...or weeks… from March 12-21 and March 23-28—we wonder what March 22 did to get kicked out. Here are some places in the Boston and Cambridge areas where you can get quality food for a (relatively) low cost.

N.B. I grew up in Boston and know a lot of these places. I only listed the ones that I have been to and can vouch for, but the full list of participating restaurants is at


The Elephant Walk: $15 for a two course lunch is hard to beat. French and Cambodian food is even harder to beat.

Temple Bar: Really good quality pub food, just far enough from Harvard Square that the hipster scale only hits a 7/10. Also, their bread is ridiculously good.

Russell House Tavern: Same type of food as Temple Bar but slightly cheaper. There are also a ton of Harvard alumni who talk really loudly about their time in college, which is always hilarious.

Honorable Mentions: Grafton Street Pub and Henrietta’s Table


5 Napkin Burger: Like an upscale Tasty Burger. That doesn’t quite do 5 Napkin justice, since it is an actual sit-down restaurant (and a very fun one at that), but burgers and milkshakes are their calling card. Like Tasty Burger, I think they get away with charging about $2 more than they should for any given burger, but people (including me) buy them for a reason

Atlantic Fish: Go for lunch (since it’s slightly cheaper), but this is the place to go if you swore you’d go to a seafood place since you moved to the East Coast.

Joe’s American Bar and Grill: Take somewhere like Russell House, transplant it from Harvard Square, kick out all the hipsters, throw in some big screen TVs, and knock a few dollars off of the prices. Voila, Joe’s American Bar and Grill.

There are 200+ restaurants participating in Restaurant Week(s), and I have not been to all of them (...yet). Definitely take advantage of the opportunity to try some non-HUDS fare, whether you take one of these recommendations or another from