The quick and dirty about what's been going on around the Ancient Eight (and other schools too).

Students at Columbia have been over-indulging in Nutella lately, and it's turned into quite the hot topic. While reports originally claimed the university spent $5000 on the stuff in one week, the figure has now been reduced to a more modest $2500. Apparently students have been filling cups full of Nutella, or just taking full jars back to their rooms, meaning around 100 lbs was disappearing each week. Lucky for students, there are no plans to take away the delicious hazelnut treat any time in the future, leaving all of us at Flyby extremely jealous but also kind of relieved we don't have such easy access to unlimited Nutella. That 100lbs has to go somewhere, guys…

Further north in the state of New York, Cornell has been taking things away from their students, namely three of their fraternities. Chi Psi has been suspended for "credible allegations of serious physical hazing," and Sigma Nu and Delta Phi were both placed on interim suspension for the same reason. Despite the disconcerting nature of the allegations, Cornell's Robert G. Engle Associate Dean of Students, Travis Apgar, has been looking on the bright side. He said that "[they] are pleased to see Cornell demonstrate that it is a community of action takers, not bystanders". Yep, that's definitely the takeaway from all of this.

Over in New Haven, Yale's Sex Weekend has been causing a stir. At their "Sex: Am I Normal?" seminar, 9% of around 55 attendees admitted to having been paid for sex, and 3% to sexual activity with an animal. The seminar has certainly fulfilled its goal of getting people talking about sexual taboos, but probably not in the way they'd hoped. News outlets jumped on the story, with one site using a "Yale School of Prostitution" still from "The Simpsons" as an illustration. Ouch.

Someone who definitely won't be heading to a school of prostitution any time soon (we hope) is Malia Obama, though she was seen checking out one Ivy League school this week, namely Princeton… Or not. The picture, allegedly of Malia and a student at the college, actually turned out to be a picture of two freshman friends who decided to play a prank via Twitter to see how "news" spreads on campus. Class of 2016 student and Malia lookalike Abby Lissanu told the Daily Princtonian she her friends never expected the story to get so big. Oh yeah, because having the first daughter on campus was never going to be a big deal. Malia, this is why you should come to Harvard.