It's 1:30 in the morning, and you're hungry. But where do you go? It is a divisive debate among the Harvard student body, and loyalties to the Square's late-night stops run deep. So far, The Crimson has debated nine of 11 popular choices around campus. Now up: Quincy Grille.

In the past few days, I’ve read a few futile attempts trying to justify late-night food choices like CVS and ABP. Now, fast forward to September. I’m hungry. And it’s after midnight. Do I buy questionable sushi from 24-Hour Market? Do I buy some mystery meat concoction from the Kong?

No. I’m a broke college student. And I’m using my Board Plus.

Every semester, Harvard gifts us with $70 of Board Plus. And every semester, I use all of my Board Plus at my favorite late night food joint: the Quincy Grille.

But let’s ignore the fact that Quincy Grille is far cheaper than any other late night food option. Otherwise, it’s just unfair. Here is why you should be heading over to Quincy Grille to fulfill late night cravings.

The Food:

Mozz sticks. Need I say more? Okay, let's say you’re not in the mood for mozzarella sticks. If you’re in the mood for something salty, you can get the Ronnie Burger or curly fries. If you’re in the mood for something sweet, you can get cheesecake or an ice cream sandwich. Salty or sweet, you’ll get whatever you need to satisfy your appetite.

The Drinks:

Not many late-night joints offer a wide selection of drinks, but at Quincy Grille you can start with a fruit smoothie made with any combination of real strawberry, peach, mango and banana. Rough night ahead? You can get red bull or a coffee frappe. And even when you just want an iced tea or Coke, you can get an unlimited amount free just up the stairs in the D-Hall.

The People and Location:

Located in Quincy House (duh), the Quincy Grille is in prime location. Students linger around this hot spot, so it’s a great way to catch up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while or make a new one. While you wait, you can also play ping pong, play pool, or watch TV. Quincy Grille has the perfect atmosphere for you not only to eat your food, but also enjoy and savor every last bite.

For the indecisive, I recommend to stay clear from Quincy Grille. The endless delicious options can be overwhelming. For the anti-social, the friendly students may be too much. For those who enjoy mediocre food, respective taste buds may not be able to handle such awesomeness. But for the rest, do the right thing come September. Choose Quincy Grille.