February of 2011 may seem far away, but the College Events Board wants you to start thinking about “Harvard Thinks Big,” the second edition. “Harvard Thinks Big” consists of an all-star team of professors from diverse backgrounds, each delivering a 10-minute speech about topics in his/her field of expertise. The first annual “Harvard Thinks Big” took place this past February in Sanders Theatre, filling the venue to capacity after hundreds more were turned away.

Long before the event takes place again, CEB is already encouraging to nominate potential speakers for “Harvard Thinks Big 2.” Students can nominate as many speakers as they choose and Professors and Lecturers from any Harvard school are eligible. Those who are interested in helping organizing “Harvard Thinks Big” and other campus-wide events are encouraged to run for the College Event Board House Rep position.

Some of the speakers last year included CS50 Professor David J. Malan ’99, who shared his own story of how he began as a Government concentrator only to discover Computer Science. HKS lecturer Timothy P. McCarthy delivered a controversial speech about the future of protest and psychology professor Daniel T. Gilbert discussed why global warming has not elicited a stronger response.