It's Oktoberfest, which means it's time for outdoor music, arts-and-crafts browsing, general carousing, and of course, free (and almost free) stuff.
The 32nd Annual Oktoberfest and HONK! Festival Parade takes place in the Square today, from 12 to 5 p.m. If you're willing to navigate the sea of people who turn out for the event every year, you're bound to score some free food and drink. But here are some other highlights to look for:
Free entertainment. The parade, which is billed as a way to "Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes and Feet!", leaves Davis Square at noon and arrives at Harvard Square at 1 p.m. We hear it's "the most entertaining and unusual parade you may ever see in your entire life." Prime viewing time lasts until 2 p.m.
Free books. The Coop is celebrating Oktoberfest by giving away free books! Look for its booth, which will be located near Border Cafe, today from 12 to 5 p.m. There is a suggested $1 donation per book, and all proceeds go to the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter.
Basically free hot air balloon rides. For a charitable donation, you can ride in a RE/MAX hot air balloon. Find it in the Cambridge Commons.
Let us know if there's anything else we should check out!
Photo by David I. Fulton-Howard/The Harvard Crimson.