Sometimes, your jokes are just too good to not take credit for. Or, at least, you want everyone to know that you think so.
The two individuals responsible for a very dirty April Fools joke came forward on the Weld e-mail list Friday night, and they seem quite pleased with the ruckus caused by their "Yard Ops" missive:
We hope you have had a fun time throwing out your snack foods and panicking over the Weld cockroach scare of '09. We certainly enjoyed overhearing you freak out about it at the Berg and in the hallways, to your mothers, and especially to us.
So here comes a (teensy bit) overdue APRIL FOOLS!
Who are these unabashed pranksters? Find out, after the jump.
"We wanted to claim credit," said Sara Joe Wolansky '12, who crafted the joke with fellow Weld denizen and blockmate Michelle C. Haan '12. "We were gonna sorta keep it going for a while, but then we felt like people would forget about it."
The e-mail also included multiple smug references to the dearth of cockroaches in the Quad, informing all freshmen assigned to the River that this was no April Fools joke for them. But Wolansky denied any purposeful inclusion of Quad propaganda in the e-mail...despite this:
PS. QUADLIFEragerageragepfoho
Good to know.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons