You know “that guy” from section? Imagine an entire class full of 120 “that guys.” That class is Gov 1300, David King’s notorious Congressional simulation. I would know. I'm in it.

When these kids watch Meet The Press, they don’t see politicians. They see career options.

And why just day dream of Sunday Mornings with George Stephanopolous? Take King’s class, and you too can revel in being called “Congressman.” Committees meet and heatedly discuss legislation. Ambitious legislators run for leadership positions. Almost everything is the same as being a real member of Congress. Except, instead of being an actual elected official, you’re a tool.

But let’s give credit where credit is due. One legislator has taken his fake responsibility to provide fake services to his fake constituents in California with unparalleled humility. According to the press release from his “office” Representative Jonathan Padilla D-California Winthrop has launched a website in order to “help inform my constituents about what I’m doing in Congress and how they can get involved in helping to make America a better place”
