Most of us eat chocolate. Now--at least according to School for Engineering and Applied Sciences Professor David Edwards--we should inhale it.

Le Whif, an inhalable chocolate in three flavors (mint, raspberry, and dark chocolate!) is touring the House dining halls this week as a preview to the opening of The Laboratory at Harvard. Find out more (and see a video of Le Whif) after the jump.

That big open space at the bottom of NW labs (currently filled with red couches, ideal for a quick nap) will be transformed into an exhibition space--the opening celebration will take place Sun., Nov. 8 at 6:30 in NW labs--for inventions that bridge art and science, according to Laboratory employees.

For example: do you ever listen to your heart beating? It turns out healthier hearts sound more musical than unhealthy hearts, and Yi Wei '10 has used this idea to create Gigue, an interactive musical experience that will be featured at the opening celebration. Audience members can step up and have data collected on their heart beats turned into a song. Pretty cool.

The opening celebration will be followed by a datamatics performance in Sanders by digital artist Ryoji Ikeda.

Photo courtesy The Laboratory at Harvard.