Attention Harvard students:

You are cordially invited to the Dance Party with Pance Party this Friday, Nov. 20, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at…well...yeah…Yale. The party’s at Yale’s Commons, which basically seems to be a less-Hogwartsy Annenberg with a more cheerful kitchen staff.

Oh, come on. You know you want to go. It’s not like it’s that much more of a schlep once you’ve already manned up and gone all the way down to New Haven. There won't be any alcohol, but don't lie—you'll probably be drunk already anyway. And admission is FREE.

Plus, the music at this first-ever Yale-sponsored Harvard-Yale fete is supposed to be fantastic.  Because, you guessed it, DJ Pance Party will be there!

If you don't remember (know) who exactly Pance Party is, here's a brief, eloquent introduction from Pance Party’s website: “Pance Party is fun at all costs, hyper-absurd, preposterous dance music expressed through innovative sounds, delightfully catchy leads, and face-melting bass—enough raw sonic energy to turn even the most negative Nancy into a raving lunatic on the dance floor.”

We at FlyBy could certainly use some raving lunatrickery—and we bet you could too.  See you there!