True Love Revolution has been making a lot of noise since The Crimson's publication of Silpa Kovali's editorial last week, called "True Love Revision," in which the author examined points made by TLR president Rachel L. Wagley '11 in an interview. The piece has sparked a flurry of responses from TLR members, particularly Wagley and former co-president Leo J. Keliher '10, and the conversationa tense one, it would be safe to sayis all over the Web. FlyBy thought it would be helpful to break down the situation. Check out all the links after the jump.

So, the TLR blog posted a "Response to an anti-TLR Crimson editorial," in which Keliher wrote, "If I had to distill [Kovali's] piece, it would run: 'I interviewed the co-president of a group I disagree with, I misconstrued her statements, and thereby showed the whole group is irrational.'" The conversation didn't stop there. The blog post generated a couple of comments, including one by Kovali and another by Keliher.

Keliher then used the gist of his comment on his own blog post as a letter to the Crimson today. Which elicited a comment from Wagley which was essentially a re-post of Keliher's original blog post. Things getting meta yet?

And then earlier this week, infamous ex-sex blogger Lena Chen '09-'10 wrote an editorial in the Crimson entitled "The Abstinence Mystique." The title says it all. But the TLR people seemed to have taken Chen's message with a better attitude, claiming in yet another blog post that the piece was "more civil than last week’s Crimson fail." But in a comment to her own article, Chen says that Wagley's blog post "fails to address the contradictions I bring up about TLR's interpretation of feminism." More of her thoughts, Chen says, can be found on her personal blog.

Did you catch all that? FlyBy wonders if all involved constituents even had to utter one word to each other during this whole virtual debate. Maybe it's better that way.