David B. Schneider ’10
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
DBS: Yeah. I had a Russian TF, late 20s—Slavic A, “Intro to Russian.” Hot. She’s hot. It was a year-long class so I spent a full year with her. We’re friends on Facebook.
RR: Who friended whom?
DBS: I friended her.
RR: That’s a little creepy. What happened?
DBS: Her picture is her sprawled on a bed. [Takes RR’s laptop and looks her up. Picture is scandalous.] She’s really into applications on Facebook. So she sends me things on occasion. She asked me to be part of her “Kingdom” the other day.
RR: That’s awkward. Any other funny applications?
DBS: So there was one application, “Are you interested?” that you send to people and they click “yes” or “no.” So she sends this to me and I’m thinking, “she sends this to everyone.” But I did a little spy work and I saw it was the first day she had it and you can only send it to 10 people the first day. So I know at the very least I was part of the top 10. I felt good about that. Besides that, we just do messages and wall posts, the norm.
RR: No pokes?
DBS: Yeah, I think we’ve poked. Actually, her religious view on Facebook is “church of orgiastic pokability.”
RR: Want to send a message to her in Russian?
DBS [in Russian]: I will never forget you. Yes, I’m interested in you.
Justin W. White ’10
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
JWW: Yes. I looked at her too much during class. I think she knows I have a crush on her because my eyes lit up when she said she had a black boyfriend.
RR: Is she white?
JWW: She’s super-white.
RR: What did you do about your crush?
JWW: I’ve already e-mailed her several times since the end of last semester. The e-mails were flirtatious but granted, they were about homework.
RR: Only homework?
JWW: Well, she would make fun of the Jets because I’m from New York, so when the Giants won I threw it at her.
RR: Any big Valentine’s Day plans with her?
JWW: Maybe I’ll do some reading for her class, even though it was last semester. Maybe that’s her fetish.
Julia M. Anoshechkina ’10
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
JMA [strong Russian accent]: Yes. Definitely.
RR: What class?
JMA: 1010a. He’s from Australia. He had a cute accent too.
RR: Who has a cuter accent?
JMA: Him. Definitely.
RR: Did you ever flirt with him?
JMA: Not intentionally. I just tried to do my work very well.
RR: What did you get in the class?
JMA: A-. But it wasn’t his fault. It was the professor’s.
RR: Did you ever do anything about your crush?
JMA: I always wanted to talk to him but I never had the courage. He lived in Winthrop, though, and I have my WIB [Women in Business] meetings there. I am glad they are in Winthrop.
Timothy J. Smith ’08
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
TJS: Yes. I had Michael Nitsch as my Justice TF last semester. Government classes are generally pretty titillating and thus attract some of the finest. I think it’s fair to say that most people find Michael Nitsch above average. He was probably the most attractive Justice TF. Sandel is an attractive man too. It’s a toss up.
Ryan S. Nolan ’09
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
RSN: I’ve never had a hot TF.
RR: You’re taking the wrong classes, my friend.
RSN: I’m into science. That’s probably why.
Lena Chen ’09
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
LC: Yes! Yes, I have. Do you want me to give you his name and e-mail address?
RR: Did you flirt with him?
LC: I went to office hours unnecessarily.
RR: What class was it?
LC: Sociology. I actually took three classes with him. At least one of them was not necessary.
RR: Did you ever get with him?
LC: No, he had a girlfriend. I met his dog though.
RR: Did you ever blog about him?
LC: No.
RR: Did you ever dream about him?
LC: I had a nightmare about the class once.
RR: So you really never did anything about it?
LC: He had a girlfriend so I tried to be good. But still, when he walks into a room, both my best friend and I check him out. Did I mention my best friend’s gay?
Ellen V. Lehman ’11
RR: Have you ever had a hot TF?
EVL: I’ve never had a hot TF but I plan to be one.
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