
the Crimm

September 23, 2014

What to say to your friend who’s a Snapchat addict...

You’re not alone. Snapchat has given us a peek not only into our friends’ lives but also in major events like the World Cup. With its over 200-second-long story submitted from everyone from members of the public to celebrities, the fashion industry is now also following the footsteps of teens across America and started Snapchatting sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes of NYC’s recent fashion week. It seems fitting that this ever-mutable industry has adopted Snapchat to capture its ephemeral events.  


What to say to your friend who wants to be a triple threat…

Try following in the footsteps of model-turned-actress Cara Delevingne, who just landed the lead role of Margo in an adaptation of John Green’s novel “Paper Towns.” In fact, the fashion icon, renowned for her signature eyebrows, has been building her acting resume since 2012, but this will be her first time starring in a major motion picture



What to say to your friend who’s had a Kit-Kat but still needs a break...

Don’t bother getting out of bed. “Gilmore Girls” is coming to a computer screen near you starting Oct. 1, courtesy of Netflix. No judgement from the rest of us, who will also probably curl up with Rory and Lorelai during midterm week to de-stress.   


