
Harvard Graduate Council Elects New Leadership for 2024-25 Academic Year


The Harvard Graduate Council elected a new president and vice president for the upcoming academic year in a meeting Monday evening. Dalton Fogarty, a Harvard Business School student and current HGC Chair of Finance, won the uncontested race for the presidential position.

Each of the 12 Harvard graduate schools were given a single vote cast as secret ballots. Prior to elections, candidates discussed their background, qualifications, and goals for the position in three minute speeches.

Students had between Feb. 27 and March 14 to express interest in running for an elected position. Voters were encouraged to select candidates based on factors such as personal character and past productivity on the HGC.

Unable to make the virtual meeting, Fogarty delivered his speech via a pre-recorded video.


“I’ve been with the Harvard Graduate Council now for about a year — I was chair of finance for those that don’t know me,” Fogarty said. “I've kept the trains on time, which is what I promised to do in the beginning, and so my vision for the president role within the graduate council would be to continue this work.”

“I think the graduate council has a lot to offer every graduate student in the Harvard ecosystem, One Harvard. And I think that my background will allow for that to happen,” he added.

Following Fogarty’s speech, school representatives were given a few minutes to consult and cast their votes through a Google form.

Brad Canales, a graduate student at Harvard Extension School, ran unopposed for the vice presidential position. Canales highlighted his efforts in organizing socials and his hopes to continue uniting the 12 graduate schools as vice president.

I've been actively planning a bunch of the social events for the programming board,” Canales said. “The idea is to hit the ground running with that. I’m already looking at venues for next year’s masquerade ball, and all that.”

“It’s my goal to continue to support Dalton in his endeavors to get more activities and funding so that we can host things for all of the Harvard schools,” he added.

Canales also mentioned his unique position as a student at multiple Harvard graduate schools.

“I personally represent a diversity of programs. Here I am from the Extension School, as you might know, but I am also wrapping up my master's next year here as a special student at GSAS and SEAS,” he said.

The meeting concluded with the official announcement that Fogarty would serve as president and Canales as vice president during the coming academic year.

Idongesit Sampson, a second year student at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and current vice president of HGC, congratulated the winning candidates.

“Congratulations again to the team who have just won,” she said. “Looking forward to working with Brett and the rest of the exec council to hand over all of the relevant documents and onboard you guys as you step into your new role.”

—Staff writer Adina R. Lippman can be reached at

—Staff writer Angelina J. Parker can be reached at Follow her on X @angelinajparker.

