15 Texts You Tried to Send At The Harvard-Yale Game

1:43 p.m: Made it to the game!!! r u even getting these

11:04 a.m.

Hi Todd! This is Jeffrey. Thank you so much for agreeing to put me up tonight! I'll be at Yale soon. Where should we meet up?

11:32 a.m.

Hey! Just got to the bag drop, meet me here? I'm in Bean boots and a Crimson H sweater. Sorry, I know that's not specific, but if it helps, the sweater is Australian merino wool. Oh, and the boots are shearling-lined. See you soon!

11:55 a.m.

Met up with some friends at the tailgate and I am in awe. It’s like Dionysus has descended from Mount Olympus to shower us mortals in an endless fountain of the good nectar of Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers.

1:06 p.m.

Hiiii Todddd :) :) :) where are u? u need to pee where is the bathroom around here??

1:07 p.m.


1:43 p.m.

Made it to the game!!!

r u even getting these

2:15 p.m.

Ayyy half-time!!! Wya? I’m standing in tunnel three next to the pile of puke. Find me?

2:47 p.m.

Just so uk I'm at 19% battery I'll try to conserve tho

2:51 p.m.

Yoo todddd which pic of me at the tailgate should I rinsta

4:02 p.m.

game over whatever that was sad but we’re still better than u. gonna get on a shuttle back to yale, meet me there?

4:17 p.m.

It is pouring and I can’t find the shuttles and there is mud everywhere and merino wool does NOT appreciate the rain

4:32 p.m.

Todd this isn't funny where r u I’m lost. I think imma call HUPD
I mean YUPD
lol yupd

4:37 p.m.

omg the call isn’t going through
wait! I see the shuttle we’re good

5:02 p.m.

oh no I just realized my huid won’t work on your building. u have to let me in
I am freaking out where r u please respond

5:47 p.m.


6:11 p.m.

Hey! I think all of your texts just came through. Hope you’re okay.

I can meet you outside Commons in 5.