

BOSTON THEATRE. - 7.30 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. "Voyagers in Southern Seas" will be continued this week and for two weeks more. Monday, fiftieth performance, Souvenir night.

BOSTON MUSEUM. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. The very amusing play, "The Guv'nor," until further notice.

GAIETY THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. To-night and to-morrow, Miss Marie Wellesley, a pleasing actress, in "The Old Cross." Next week, "The Jollities."

PARK THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. To-night and to-morrow, the Harrisons, in "Photos," which has little merit beyond being extremely amusing. Next week, "Sam'l of Posen."

GLOBE THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. Mlle. Bernhardt made her debut in Boston as Dona Sol, in "Hernani," on Monday, with qualified success. Her Gilberle, in "Frou-Frou," however, left no doubt as to her greatness as an actress. To-night, she appears as Phedre in Racine's great drama; to-morrow afternoon (no evening performance), in "Frou-Frou;" Monday, in "Camille;" Tuesday, in "Frou-Frou." December 20, "Enchantment." Jan 3, Salvini, for two weeks.


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