It's Really Okay If...

• You once offered your resume to the guy who opened the door of the Owl, thinking it was OCS.

• You once offered your resume to the guy who opened the door of the Owl, thinking it was OCS.

• Your bartender asks you about your thesis more often than your thesis adviser asks you about your thesis.

• You wear heels to section. Daytime fishnets are to nighttime fishnets as daytime four-inch heels are to nighttime four-inch heels. This is what your section leader meant by “paying attention to nuance.”

• You think people who comment “lolz” on their fiance’s Facebook photos are too young to get married.

• You think everyone in Annenberg is suddenly flirting. Everyone in Annenberg is suddenly flirting.

• You connect with section kids on LinkedIn between classes on Wednesday and count it as your weekly hour of networking.

• You neurotically calculate the number of ‘y’s in your booty call. Four y’s is “I’m in love with someone else, but you can squeeze my tits if you want to,” right?

• You use Instagram as a creative outlet.

• You exhibit diva-like symptoms.

It's really not OK to...

• Bitch ‘n’ brag: either you took a red eye to San Francisco for your interview at Google, or you’re tired and really behind on work. Not both.

• Think hashtags make things funny. Funny makes things funny.

• Actively conceive of Instagram as your creative outlet.

• Be a diva.