
Freshman Arts Collaborative Experience Showcase

Last year, the Freshman Arts Collaborative Experience Showcase presented a show entitled “Room for Growth” which recreated three different bedrooms in Ticknor Lounge, each one representing the different emotions and phases of freshman year. This year, nine freshmen in FACES, a semester-long interdisciplinary arts program, will present their own project focusing on the theme of natural disasters, inspired by Hurricane Sandy, February’s snowstorm, and a blackout that disrupted campus for several hours in November. According to Aleja Jimenez Jaramillo ‘15, a director of the program, these freshmen spent a semester exploring new art media and reflecting on their unique freshman stories. “Their freshman year has been very much impacted by these random natural occurrences…. [They use] these as backdrops for art pieces that reflect their experiences as freshmen,” Jimenez Jaramillo says.



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