
85 Undergraduates Receive Hoopes Prize

Adams House: Isidore Bethel, Rebecca Cooper, Or Gadish, Katherine Gunn, Kevin Leu, Adrian Sanborn, Alexander Sherbany, Luzi Yang, Zhongrui Yin, Kareem Zaki.

Cabot House: Yunsoo Kim, Daniel Liss, Charles Liu, Elise Liu, Timothy Maher, Eleony Moorhead, Maia Usui.

Currier House: Megan Blewett, Danielle Gram, Fernando Racimo, Xiaolu (Lisa) Tang, David Wu, Helen Yang.

Dunster House: Samuel Barr, Arhana Chattopadhyay, Mengyuan Liu, Jacob McNulty, Matthew Miller, John Stokes.

Dudley Co-op: Christopher Johnson-Roberson, Colette Perold.


Eliot House: Patrick Gordon, Eliza Lehner, Kevin Liu, Nicolas Roth, Oliver Strand, Sophie Wharton.

Kirkland House: Rebecca Hofer, Sundeep Iyer, Jennifer Kurdyla, Adam Palay.

Leverett House: Lauren Packard, Elizabeth Pezza, Veronica Shi, Dianne Xiao.

Lowell House: Peter Bailis, Raquel Begleiter, Keru Cai, Mark Hirschboeck, Shankar Ramaswamy, Akeel Rangwala, Nell Hawley.

Mather House: Peter Bernard, David Billing, Alissa D’Gama, Justin Davidson, Lindsey Hock, Jeremy Hsu, Hiroko Kumaki, Marena Lin, Tannis Thorlakson, Michael Yashinsky.

Pforzheimer House: Priscilla (Kenzie) Bok, Seth Bour, Chad Cannon, Adam Clark, Sarah Esty, Catherine Ntube, Cara Sprague.

Quincy House: Lauren Brown, Andrew Chen, Marianna Linz, Alexander McNaughton, Emily Orlins, Lauren Weiss.

Winthrop House: Christopher Behrer, Quincy Bock, Terry Ding, Carolina Franch, Christopher Higgins, Tomo Lazovich, Katherine Ransohoff, Kwee Boon Seah, Nihar Shah, Meghan Wareham.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction.


An earlier version of the May 7 article "85 Undergraduates Receive Hoopes Prize" misstated Nell Hawley's House affiliation. She is a resident of Lowell, not Winthrop, House.


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