
Gap Years: A Chance To Explore The World

Yu mentioned a less commonly cited advantage of taking time off.

“Older guys are supposed to be more attractive, so maybe coming back in two years will be even better.”


The three students agree that their time away from Harvard has been life-changing.

“For someone like me who has spent basically her whole life in school, it was great for me to know that I could go out into the world on my own, get work, do something interesting, and survive,” Hawley says. “Once you’ve arrived in Kabul airport and made your way into the city, you know you can do anything.”


She says that upon returning to Harvard for her junior year, it was strange to be reacquainted with the luxuries that students take for granted, including washing machines and dining hall meals.

“Things that pass us by here—like hot water, plumbing, electricity—you learn to value them,” she says.

Kim says that her campaign experience was integral in framing her time at Harvard.

“I felt like I hadn’t had a lot of experiences where I felt like I made a real impact on the world,” Kim says regarding her time prior to her semester off.

Many of those who have taken time off strongly encourage others to consider the option.

“Don’t be afraid,” Hawley says. “Go for it.”

—Staff writer Aisling H. Crane can be reached at

