
Timothy E. Wirth

President of the United Nations Foundation

His colleagues agree, adding that his visionary leadership and ability to think outside the box create a fruitful environment in the U.N. Foundation.

“Tim has a ‘happy dance.’ He’ll come in and he’ll sort of dance in your doorway and say, ‘we’re going to vaccinate another hundred children today,’” says Parnell.

“Tim is a dynamic leader—my favorite thing about Tim is that he challenges us and gives us the tools that he needs. He’s not at all a micro-manager or dictatorial manger,” he adds.


Wirth says spearheading the U.N. Foundation has “proved to be a very satisfying experience.”


According to Parnell, those who work around him feel a bond with Wirth because of the work he does.

“He’s absolutely beloved by his staff, and that’s rare,” says Parnell. “We have 200 people in this organization and he makes a point to know something about every person.”

Having accomplished so much and still working into his 70’s, Wirth has no plans to retire, according to his wife. She says he will continue to carry on the tasks of the U.N. Foundation, strengthening and expanding the organization.

“He’s the type of person that would have 50 new projects and be busier than he was before,” she says, only half jokingly.

—Staff writer Nathalie R. Miraval can be reached at

